mrs wordsmith year 1 english gargantuan workbook ages 5 6 key stage 1

Boost vocabulary - and fall in love with words! Join Mrs Wordsmith's cast of word-hungry animals as they take kids on an adventure to learn the words they need to express themselves in every part of life. More than 1,000 words cover everything from emotions to mathematics, food to philosophy, making a big mucky mess to cleaning up, as well as a whole chapter on the future of technology. Designed by literacy experts to be hilariously fun and endlessly surprising, each page bursts with Hollywood illustration. The words are curated from global curriculum lists for kids aged four to eight, with extra challenging vocabulary added to the mix. "Mrs Wordsmith Epic Words Vocabulary Book uses the very latest in the science of learning to grab children's attention and teach them words about their world. Educators take note! This book will not only improve children's vocabulary, it will accelerate it at epic speed." Susan Neuman, Professor of Childhood Education and Literacy Development, NYU "This book is pure magic! Driven by compelling research on the importance of vocabulary development and socio-emotional learning for every child's growth and development, this modern marvel is filled with engaging characters, powerful themes, and remarkable story-telling assets that every child and parent will love. It has been decades since I encountered a children's word book that was so delightful and important!" Michael Levine, Chief Knowledge Officer of Sesame Street With a team of award-winning artists and writers, Mrs Wordsmith creates books, card games, worksheets, and mobile games to improve the reading and writing of kids aged 4-11, and to make learning fun!

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