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A comprehensive pocket guide to dinosaurs and prehistoric animals and the world they inhabited millions of years ago. Packed with more than 700 full-colour illustrations, this definitive pocket guide paints a vivid portrait of extraordinary dinosaurs and prehistoric animals, and the ecosystems they lived in millions of years ago. Journey back in time and discover the incredible lives and habitats of dinosaurs, pterosaurs, marine reptiles, and prehistoric beasts. This fascinating guide explores every era of prehistoric life, from the Precambrian and Palaeozoic eras, when animals first began evolving to the Jurassic and Mesozoic era, which first saw the flourishing and then the eventual extinction of the dinosaurs. Learn more about prehistoric animals and the world they inhabited millions of years ago through detailed profiles of 200 dinosaurs and other ancestors of modern animals. These profiles are jargon-free and based on the latest science. This dinosaur encyclopedia is filled with crystal-clear artwork and photographs, fossils, and replica models showing the unique features of the different species. A Visual Guide to 200 Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals Part of the relaunched series of the popular DK Handbooks, this fact-filled book features a refreshed design and updated content. Packed with jaw-dropping images, fascinating dinosaur facts and straight-forward explanations, it's the perfect gift for budding palaeontologists of all ages or geology students. Inside the pages of this dinosaur encyclopedia from DK Books, you'll discover: - Maps indicating the location of where each animal's fossils have been found - Illustrations detailing the size of each animal in comparison to humans - Detailed, jargon-free profiles of 200 species with fun facts for quick reference

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